Friday, March 1, 2013

DIY: Football Pin Wall

After the Barney Stinson's Motivation Poster Display , I made something new for our brother's room. As you already know, he is a huge Man United fan and we have decorated his room accordingly- with white and red details. This time he asked for a stylish pin wall. It took me half an hour to make one:)

I captured all the steps for you:

There are so many ways to beautify an ordinary pin wall. Actually, I already bought a second one to adjust it. I'll post it as soon as I'm done :)

I wish you a wonderful day.


Pin It Now!


  1. Fenomenalna ideja za ljubitelje nogometa :D

  2. Bas simpaticno! Na ovaj nacin se moze iznijeti dosta razlicitih ideja, ovaj put je nogomet tema, drugi put nesto drugo. Stvarno nije lose, dapace :)
