Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Empty Deodorant Bottle to Super Cute BRACELET HOLDER

 I love to recycle things that I already have at home. This time a pin on Pinterest (I'm totally addicted) inspired me to reuse an empty deodorant bottle and make a bracelet holder out of it.

This is what I did:

Supply: empty deodorant bottle, cornflakes box, two jar lids, embroidery floss, white rope, ribbon.

1. I covered the deodorant bottle with a piece of the cornflakes box and glued it.

2. For the decorative top of the bracelet holder:

(I used these stones already here)

3. Then I glued everything together: the top, the deodorant bottle and the lids.

4. Next, I wrapped the whole thing with tape that is sticky on both sides.

5. Then I covered the lids with glue and started wrapping everything with rope, ribbon and embroidery floss.

6. I continued until I covered everything.

That was it. It took me less than an hour:)


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