Friday, May 2, 2014

Recipe: Twisted Bun with Homemade Marmelade

It has been raining for weeks over here which made me desperate! Although everyone thought the bad weather would ruin the 1st May celebrations, today we surprisingly had an almost rain-free and sunny day!

 I got woken up pretty early by the sunshine (I thought I was dreaming!) and used the opportunity to make twisted buns for breakfast before anyone else got out of bed (thanks to the public holidays Nerma and I managed to escape the city for a few days and spend a prolonged weekend with our family).

Everyone loves these buns, especially when I make them with Nerma's homemade plum marmalade (she really made it from scratch!) and walnuts.

The rest of the morning was just picturesque: sitting in the garden filled with the scent of my favorite flower, lilac, reading my book and enjoying warm twisted bun with a cup of milk. I wished there were more of these moments:)

As for the recipe, first of all we need to make a dough. I always use the same dough recipe as for my Mini Berliner so I recommend to check it out again.The Mini Berliner dough is enough for two buns!

I've made these buns with different fillings: sugar & cinamon, nutella (jummy!), and different kinds of marmalade. This time I took 5 spoons of Nerma's plum marmalade and a handful of walnuts. 

As for the technique, the following pictures are pretty self-explanatory:  

Now bake it for 20 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius and get ready to make some people happy:)

Here is an idea: Sometimes when I have friends over, I prepare the dough and then make the buns right in front of them because it is so much fun to watch:)


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