Tuesday, October 22, 2013

DIY: Finally a full tutorial for a necklace with chain, beads and sequins!

After more than three necklaces already posted on this blog, now I finally managed to make pictures of the whole process of making a statement necklace with chain, beads and sequins.

This is again a unique piece with completely different beads and colors but the technique remains basically the same as here, here, or here.

Now enough talking. The pictures below will say more than words could describe:) Hope you'll find it useful and inspiring:)

When it comes to material, I used new beads and sequins bought in Malaysia and Thailand during an unforgettable trip this summer. The necklace will be a stylish reminder of the adventure.
I always start with a piece of felt and a template.

Next, sewing pieces of chain on the felt.

Then I fill in the links and the space between the pieces of chain with beads and sequins in different color and shape.

And then a nice finish. (Sorry about the picture quality. It was shot at night with a bad phone camera)

First the ribbon.

Looks pretty ugly on the back, right?

Let's cover it up with another piece of felt.

Want to know how much time it takes? I think it took around 12 hours (spread over 3 days) to make this one. Don't let this discourage you. Once you're done you realize it totally payed of. :)

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  1. Za ovo treba mnogo strpljenja! ;) I ja ponekad pravim sebi nakit. Super je DIY ;)

  2. Svaka cast, ne znam bas da li bih imala toliko strpljenja :)
