Monday, February 24, 2014

DIY: The Next Level of Gift Wrapping

Recently we celebrated a very special occasion. Two of my girlfriends defended their master thesis the same day and we surprised them with beautifully wrapped gifts. 

As I always try to add a unique touch to anything I do, I was thinking about the perfect way to wrap the gifts and this is what I came up with. 

I had all the material already at home. As I have written earlier, please don't you ever through away gift bags. They can be reused in so man different ways. In this case, I used this old gift bag with floral prints and turned it into wrapping paper. 

This tutorial also requires ribbon or rope, a piece of felt (or even other fabric/cardboard/other gift paper/whatever you come up with), tape and scissors. 

I took the old gift bag apart, cut out a piece of it, enough to cover the gift, and wrapped the gift old school style.

Now comes the fun part: You will need a lot of ribbon and the piece of felt or whatever piece of fabric or paper you have. The colors should match so that if your gift paper is colorful, take the extra fabric/paper in a solid matching color and vice versa.

There was no need to glue the fabric, I just put it over the wrapping paper. Then I started wrapping the ribbon just like you would usually do when wrapping gifts. The only difference is that I started at the upper left corner of the box.

And after I wrapped the ribbon once around the box, I just repeated the same  without knotting the ribbon, as you can see in the picture.

And then the same again.

After the fourth round I made a knot and a simple bow. That's it!

I think it looks even cooler with  rope instead of with ribbon.

The technique is the same for wrapping with rope.

Try it out. I am sure everyone will appreciate the extra effort you put in your gift. (Unless you made a handmade gift. That's even more awesome:))

Emina Pin It Now!

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