Wednesday, February 6, 2013

DIY: Gossip Girl Final Episode Cake Decoration

I used to watch Gossip Girl. Somewhere between the second season, me growing up and every new season becoming less interesting (or was it just me growing up?), they lost me. But Nerma remained a true fan till the end. 

She invited the rest of the fan community to watch the final episode at our place. We wanted to make it a memorable evening. Nerma made the best triple-chocolate mousse cake ever. Unfortunately, we forgot to make pictures of the process. But next time (there will most certainly be a next time!) she makes it, we'll make a special post.

My task was to decorate the cake Gossip girl- style. I already had everything I needed at home. 

This is what I did:

1. Supply: Toothpicks, colorful paper (I recycled an old purple paper bag), present wrapping ribbon, scissors, glue, a pen, white copy paper. Additionally: A printer.

2. First, I typed the names of all the characters from the show (I needed one per piece of cake:) I had 13 altogether) in different sizes in Word- so I could choose the perfect size later, printed them out and cut in small rectangles. I did the same with the name of the show- only in a bigger size and different color (white letters on black background).

3. I glued the name tags on differently shaped purple paper and then glued everything on  toothpicks, that I broke in half.

4. Finally, I used gift wrapping ribbon to add a touch of gold:)

Then came the best part:

I hope you like it. You can use this idea for any occasion- or TV show :)
I wish you a wonderful day.

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  1. Vas dvije ste tako kreativne da uvijek uzivam u postovima...Vjerujem da vam je bilo super :)

  2. Odlicnooo i bravo djevojke ! Uzivam u vasim postovima <3
