Wednesday, January 2, 2013

DIY: Paper Snowflakes Hanging From The Ceiling

These paper snowflakes are done in no time and they add such a cozy winter wonderland feeling (not that I like winter).

These are the steps:
1. Make paper snowflakes! :) I made my first snowflakes in primary school but in case you forgot, here is a simple tutorial. I made them in three different sizes- small, smaller and the smallest:) The smaller, the more delicate they look (and the more you will need!) I used white copy paper.

2. Iron the snowflakes using an ordinary iron.

3. Use white (or maybe even transparent) thread to connect them. I made 7 pieces, each the same length (about 40 cm)

4. Attach it to your ceiling lamp. I just used some thread.

And you're done!
They are staying on my ceiling until it's time for spring decoration:)

I hope you like it. I wish you all a nice day full of the little things that make you happy (a cup of hot chocolate, maybe?:))



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  1. Super vam je blog :)
    Želim vas sretan početak i puno puno postova i followersa :)
    Evo i ja sam sada jedan od njih :)
    Sretno i čitamo se :*

  2. Dobro nam dosle^^
    Divan vam je blog, pratim vas od sada, i nadam se da cemo se lijepo druziti, xoxo

  3. Lijepo...interesantan blog!!! Pratim vas i čekam nove zanimljive postove :)
    Dobrodošle u blogosferu!!!

  4. Prekrasno,bas se radujem ovom diy blogu i novim postovima ;)

  5. Divne ste, hvala vam mnogo:) Ovaj blog nam je odavno velika zelja ali kao i uvijek- najteze je bilo natjerati se i poceti:)
