Monday, December 16, 2013

DIY: Marmalade Jars Upgraded with Embroidery Floss in 15 min

Here is a perfect stylish storage idea done in less than 15 minutes. We all have empty jars somewhere and and if you already have embroidery floss or any rope at home, it will probably cost you 0 cents.

I made three different pieces, one for the bathroom, one for the writing desk and the one with the green lid is placed in our living room. You saw it in the corner of our customized world map.

I captured the process of making the pink jar. The technique was the same for the other two jars but isn't it cool how they all still look different? 

Obviously, you will need an empty jar, embroidery floss (or thin rope, as was the case with the jar with the green lid), and, the big secret, double-sided tape which you can get in any hardware store.

I started with coating the jar with the double-sided tape and then removed the extra paper on the tape.

No I had a sticky surface and had only to wrap embroidery floss around. I used embroidery floss in different colors to create a colorful pattern.

Then I repeated everything with the lid of the jar.

You can use this idea for presents (imagine how cool it would be to make cookies for a friend and give it in such a handmade jar?) or for decorating and then reusing other object such as a shoe box, a glass (and then put a candle inside, there you have a candle light glass!) etc. 

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